Sword & Shield Prophetic School
Accuracy Through Intimacy
Sword & Shield Prophetic School
Accuracy Through Intimacy
Courses that are designed to help you grow in your calling and effectiveness
Iron sharpens iron; so a man sharpens the countenance of his friend [to show rage or worthy purpose].
Proverbs 27:17 AMPC
Iron sharpens iron; so a man sharpens the countenance of his friend [to show rage or worthy purpose].
Proverbs 27:17 AMPC
We see God expanding prophetic service and want to provide training support that will equip you for what He is doing. Courses, workshops, and seminars are available just for you and your unique ministry needs. We are committed to helping Prophets and Apostles prepare themselves and their teams, Churches, and Small Groups for next phase Kingdom work and service whether your ministry is in The Church or The Marketplace.
Here are some courses you can schedule
for your group or Church...
Prophetic Boot Camp: Back to Basics
The purpose of this 13-week Boot Camp is to help re-establish the proper function of the office of the prophet to its place within the Church, as well as to inform about the prophetic in general. This course gives participants additional insight into the prophetic gift, with particular emphasis upon the role of the prophet as a part of the five-fold ministry in a local church.
The School of The Prophets
The spiritual growth and maturity of the prophet are examined in a careful, deliberate approach to how God develops them. The purpose of this school is to help the prophet increase their effectiveness in any sphere of influence. A deeper understanding of God’s refining process reveals impediments that may interrupt, derail, or diminish the impact of the prophet’s ministry. The same process can identify and build strengths that will enhance the prophet in their many roles. Serious participation in this transformational process will position the prophet to emerge as change agents and transformational leaders. This process will produce spiritual leaders whose infiltration into the world culture will result in Christians The Kingdom of God advancing for the glory of God.
Prophets: God’s Gift to The Body of Christ
There is more to the Prophet than meets the eye and their service to The Body and to the World is needed now more than ever. Discussions about what’s next, God’s Goals, and His Purpose for the Prophet. Subjects include an in-depth look at the Prophet’s responsibilities and functions in the Church & The Marketplace. Pastors, Prophets, Prophetic People, & Their Concerns are examined that include remedies for working together. Preparation for service involves…
Insights Into Prophetic Processing Purifying the Prophetic Dark Side: Effects & Remedies and more…